Academy Future Road Map


Future Road Map



  •  Formulation of a State Training Policy
  •  Creation of an Academy Training Manual
  •  Revision of Course Syllabus for existing courses and Introduction of new courses based on regular Training Needs Analysis and Training impact analysis.
  •  ISO certification

New Schools Proposed:

  •  Road Safety and Traffic Training School
  •  Communication Training School
  •  Armourer Training School
  •  Band Training School



New Departments / Cells Envisaged:

 Dept. of Management and Behavioral Science
 Cyber Crime Investigation Cell
 Documentation Cell and Faculty of Studies
 Research and Development Cell
 Examination Cell


New Infrastructure:

 Model Police Station & Mock Court
 Indoor Sports Complex and Athletic Track
 Indoor Firing Range
 Sand Model & IED Rooms
 FS / FM Labs and Museum
 Class Rooms Block for In-Service Trainees
 Women’s Hostel
 Mini Auditorium


 Online Distance Education for Police Officers (e-Learning)
 Developing Lesson Plans, PPTs, Case Studies for all courses and hosting it on web-portal
 Wi-Fi in the entire TSPA Campus
 Virtual Class Rooms and Linking TSPA with all PTCs/DTCs/CTCs/BTCs
 Creation of Database of all Trainees and their performances.
 Computerization of all records and training material.


Fellowships and MoUs:

 MoU with Universities for Awarding PG Diploma in Police Sciences to all civil trainees on completion of their basic induction training
 MoU with Institution of higher learning and research in India and abroad for Faculty Development and Exchange programs.
 Wi-Fi in the entire TSPA Campus
 Fellowships for higher learning and Research for Police Officers
 Establishing Telangana State Police University
